505 Montgomery St Ste 1059, SF CA 94111 (415) 874-3000 info@SonataHospiceCares.com

About Hospice

Hospice care focuses on providing care and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to curative treatment. Our care is centered on keeping patients comfortable and aims at the management of symptoms, while curative care focuses on curing the illness. Sonata provides an integrative and holistic approach to healthcare that addresses the physical, emotional, cultural, and spiritual needs of each patient and their families during the end-of-life stages.


When is it time for hospice?

  • Have you or your loved one’s condition and symptoms progressed to the point that they cannot be adequately controlled?
  • Have you or your loved one endured multiple hospitalizations, emergency department visits or repeated use of other healthcare services?
  • Are you or a loved one experiencing pain, weakness, shortness of breath or rapid weight loss?
  • Has the attending physician or specialist said there is nothing more that can be done to slow or cure the condition?
  • Have you or your loved one indicated that the side effects of aggressive medical treatments outweigh the benefits??

Paying for Hospice.

Sonata Hospice services are covered by Medicare, MediCal and most insurers. Core hospice services include:

  • Board certified hospice and palliative care physician services
  • 24 hour on-call support by a hospice nurse, social worker and chaplain
  • Medications related to the hospice diagnosis
  • Medical supplies related to the hospice diagnosis
  • Durable medical equipment (DME) related to hospice diagnosis
  • Bereavement support for the family caregivers
  • Volunteer staff support

Your Hospice Team

We Provide

Hospice Physician

Our hospice physician oversees each patient’s symptoms, working closely with the hospice team and the patient’s primary care physician to determine appropriate medical interventions.

Hospice Nurse

Our nurse case manager will make scheduled visits; assessing pain and providing symptom management. The nurse will educate patients and their families about disease progression, use of medication and daily care needs.

Certified Hospice Aides

The certified hospice aide provides personal care services under the supervision of the registered nurse. These duties may include assistance in activities of daily living (e.g., bathing, personal hygiene, etc).

Social Workers

Our social workers have specialized training in addressing the practical and financial needs of each patient. This may include emotional support, counseling, and serving as a liaison to community agencies. Social workers will also provide bereavement counseling.


Chaplains provide spiritual support and counseling to the patient and their family. This may include assisting with memorial services, serving as a friendly visitor, or connecting patients to spiritual support services within the individual faith tradition.


Volunteers are the heart and soul of Sonata Hospice. Trained volunteers give a wide range of loving support such as providing respite to the family, assisting with meals, running errands, music therapy, pet therapy, and facilitating projects and providing companionship.

Your Hospice Team

Levels of Care

Routine Home Care:

Care is provided intermittently by hospice team members in the patient’s or family’s place of residence.


General Inpatient Care:

Care is given at a contracted facility for patients who need pain control or acute / chronic symptom management. Paid length of stay for inpatient care and necessity of inpatient care will be determined by the Hospice Interdisciplinary Group. If a hospice patient needs hospitalization for any reason unrelated to the terminal diagnosis, Medicare Part A will be utilized.


Continuous Care:

Care is provided during periods of crisis including unmanaged symptoms to maintain the patient at their place of residence (home, assisted living facility, nursing home, adult foster home, etc). Criteria for continuous home care are the same as general inpatient care. Hospice staff will provide a minimum of eight (8) hours of care per calendar day.


Inpatient Respite Care:

Under the direction of the Hospice Plan of Care, up to five (5) days of respite care at a contracted nursing care facility will be paid by hospice. This benefit may be used to give the family/caregiver a rest and the patient does not need to meet acute care standards.
