505 Montgomery St Ste 1059, SF CA 94111 (415) 874-3000 info@SonataHospiceCares.com

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Grief Support


The death of a significant person in one's life can have a long-term impact. A piece from your life has been removed and now everything hangs in disarray.

It helps to talk about the person you've lost, to express feelings about your loss and to share the memories of a time you spent with your loved one. It can also help to talk about how your loved one died and to share your feelings about how it all evolved. But sometimes you run out of people who will listen. You notice that your friends no longer ask about your well-being or they completely stop talking about the person who has died. Or sometimes the death of a loved one can present challenges that seem to be more than you can bear.

Contact us for more information or to schedule a free informational visit.

Types of Grief

Commonly within hospice care we observe anticipatory grief and bereavement. Anticipatory grief is defined as the normal mourning that occurs when a patient or family is expecting a death. Anticipatory grief has many of the same symptoms as those experienced after a death has occurred. It includes all of the thinking, feeling, cultural, and social reactions to an expected death that are felt by the patient and family. Bereavement is the period of mourning after a loss. We help patients and families navigate through all stages of grief as much as we are invited too.



At Sonata Hospice, we have a 13 month bereavement program. Throughout this time- we keep the connection with families as a support. We utilize different outlets such as cards, letters, events, visits, support groups, and more depending on the need. We maintain strong relationships in the community with different community partners/resources and will always offer them to you.


Annual Memorial

Experience the compassionate care and support of Sonata Hospice. Contact us today for more information and discover how we can assist you and your loved ones during this sensitive time. Our dedicated team is here to provide exceptional end-of-life care tailored to meet your unique needs. Reach out to Sonata Hospice now to learn more and embark on a journey of comfort and dignity.
